Transitioning into a new chapter in our lives can be very scary. And writing a blog is most definitely a brand new chapter for me!
I have played with the idea of writing a blog for quite some time now. I love to write. Whether it is for research reasons, cards and letters to family and friends, taking notes or simply writing down ideas that I have along the way.
Writing plays a big part in my life. It is a way for me to connect to myself and to others.
Still, there was something holding me back from just simply writing a blog. There was this little voice inside me questioning whether it was the right move to make, the right step to take, the right decision for me.
I discovered that there was a big underlying fear of getting hurt. Writing a blog for me meant that I would be sharing my thoughts and ideas with the big wide world. And – through this – making myself vulnerable.
So, what happened?
How come I am now writing my blog? And most importantly: that you are now reading my blog.
What happened was that my love to support others – to live my passion to it´s fullest potential – was so energizing that the only way for me to release this energy was to face my fear of getting hurt and overcome it. I stopped thinking and worrying. I just did it.
Fear is nothing bad or evil. I see it as an emotion that supports me in standing still. Stepping back and questioning decisions that I am about to make.
I see fear as a natural “feedbacker.” An indicator that I am about to leave my cherished comfort zone. I am about to enter new and unknown territory.
Once I became aware that it was fear that was holding me back, I acknowledged it. I simply said to myself: ”I am scared.” And then it was down to choice. “Will I stay in my comfort zone?” Or “Will I take a step outside of my comfort zone into a new and unknown world?”
So here I am in my new and unknown world … a new territory … enjoying every single word I write.